

Whenever you are ready to eat an acorn there are several ways to enjoy them!

Acorn Preparations


This is by far one of the best and easiest ways to eat an acorn.

  1. Crack open the shell.
  2. Eat up!

Making flour

Seems a bit weird but this can be used in other stuff.

  1. Shell a bunch of acorns.
    • Put them in water or they'll start to oxidize!
  2. Grind them up.
  3. Make sure they're dry, or they could go bad (and you don't want any bad nuts!)
    • If it is hot out, lay the acorns out on cookie sheets and dry in the sun. You could also put them in an oven set on “warm.” You can also put the acorns in a dehydrator set on low heat.
  4. If not immediately using you can also freeze your fresh acorn meal or store dried flour in jars in the fridge.
    • Why the fridge? What fat there is in acorns will go rancid pretty quick if you left the flour at room temperature.

What to do with that flour

Here are some of the best things to do with acorns and acorn flour, click here

Further Reading