

This page contains a summarized checklist of Squirrel U standards and consideration guidelines for easy reference to contributors and approvers. Contributors should review this page prior to submitting content for Pull Requests to expedite the approval process. Approvers are responsible for ensuring that all Squirrel U standards are met and guidelines are considered prior to a Pull Request being approved.

Please note that the full documentation of Squirrel U's standards and guidelines are outlined through the Squirrel U section and this page only serves as a summary to assist contributors and approvers through the Pull Request process. Both contributors and approvers are strongly encouraged to be familiar with the complete set of Squirrel U documentation.


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The following checklist is a summary of standards referenced throughout the Squirrel U section. In general, these standards are considered non-negotiable and have been established to maintain consistency across the Squirrel U site. Both contributors and approvers should utilize this checklist when creating, updating or reviewing any changes to Squirrel U content.

Check Standard Page Title Sub-Section
  Content utilizes the standard Content Template and contains the required headings Squirrel U Content Template N/A
  Required Front Matter elements are complete Front Matter Overview N/A
  All Front Matter elements are utilized properly Front Matter Overview N/A
  Content renders properly in site Markdown Overview N/A
  Markdown is being utilized as specified in the Markdown Overview Markdown Overview N/A
  If the document is being converted from Jive, it is marked as "deprecated" with a link to Squirrel U About Squirrel U What is appropriate content/audience for Squirrel U?
  Content follows outlined Project Structure (i.e. directories, files, naming conventions, etc). Squirrel U Project Structure N/A
  The content doesn't already exist and is not a duplicate of something already in Squirrel U Create or Update Squirrel U Content Create New Content

Guidelines (Things to Consider)

The following list summarizes some important considerations for contributors and approvers when creating, updating or reviewing content. In general, these topics tend to be valid discussion points with potentially various outcomes. The expectation is that these considerations should result in a healthy conversation between contributors, subject matter experts and approvers. Ultimately, the key is that decisions are made in the best interest of the Squirrel U goals, maintaining the spirit of its existence.

Special considerations include, but are not limited to:

  • Are valuable, meaningful and appropriate tags being used? Will people be able to find the content easily? See the "Tags" section of Front Matter Overview for guidance on this.

  • Consider the Squirrel U audience and personas. Is the documentation written with them in mind? Review the About Squirrel U and Squirrel U Personas pages if you need more information about the in-scope audience for Squirrel U.

  • Is the content appropriate for Squirrel U? Visit the About Squirrel U page for some guidance on what is considered appropriate content for the Squirrel U space.

  • Is the content placed in its area of best fit? If the contributor has placed the content in the Ground directory, the reviewer is responsible for assisting them in determining where the content should be placed.

  • Consider users of other Operating Systems. Are there any specific differences in setup or support that need to be called out in the documentation?

  • Is the topic well-contained in a reasonably short chapter or is it better broken up into several chapters within a larger section?

  • Is the content itself accurate?

For Further Reading

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